While The Kids Sleep

Suburban husband and wife team, Michael and Rebecca Black, chat about marriage, family, and anything else that comes to mind after they put their kids to bed at night.

Baby Gear for the First Year

Our 3rd daughter just turned 1 and it made us look back on all the STUFF that we use for a baby's first year of life. We share our thoughts and opinions on must have items or ones we thought we needed but didn't use. Listen to the saga of the diaper bag!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 38 MB - Duration: 41:38m (123 kbps 44100 Hz)

Get Back in Bed, So Help Me...!

Don't lie, we know every parent has uttered these words (or something similar) to their child. We share our tried and true tips on how to get kids to sleep at night! So you can binge watch your favorite show or...just get some sleep yourself!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 28 MB - Duration: 30:39m (123 kbps 44100 Hz)

Technology of Our Lives

"Like sands through the hourglass..." Okay, maybe not really. We reminisce on technology from our childhoods and how things have changed in 30-ish years. Bring your cassette tapes, VHS, and dial-up internet as we travel back in time!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 24 MB - Duration: 31:06m (105 kbps 48000 Hz)


What does this acronym mean? We tell you all about the four categories of goals we wanted to and DID accomplish before having kids. We explain the why, how, and some fun (and interesting) experiences we had along the way.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 34 MB - Duration: 33:22m (136 kbps 32000 Hz)

Lessons from our Wedding Day and Early Marriage

To celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary (YAY!), we share some tokens of goodness we learned from the very beginning of our marriage. Little tools that helped make our lives easier and happier. And we still USE them today!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 28 MB - Duration: 27:34m (138 kbps 32000 Hz)

Food We Love or Hate

We talk about foods we disagree on (we have some strong opinions!), but how, ultimately, food brings us together. Rebecca recalls a memory of how Twizzlers saved her during a particularly bad date in college.

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 20 MB - Duration: 27:29m (995 kbps 48000 Hz)

How We Met

The story of how Rebecca and Michael first met. Who approached who first and what we thought of each other. Full disclosure: we thought two VERY different things!

Filetype: MP3 - Size: 21 MB - Duration: 21:57m (130 kbps 32000 Hz)